Always Innovating

Optima Health continues to evolve and find new solutions for our business partners. We are adapting and improving the way we support employers, brokers, members, and the communities that we serve.

Online Tools

We offer a suite of tools to help benefit administrators and employee members manage their health insurance plan.

Tools for Benefit Administrators Include:

Tools for Employees Include:

Virtual Consults

Anytime, anywhere. On-demand access to affordable, quality healthcare, 24/7/365 by signing in or by downloading the Optima Health mobile app.

Treatment Cost Calculator

Provides localized, provider specific, out-of-pocket cost estimates for over 500 procedures and services based on the member's specific benefit plan.

Emergency Travel Program

Fully paid, global-emergency, medically related assistance services are available to Optima Health members whenever they travel 100 miles or more from home.

Alternative Medicine Program

Discounts for programs that include acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage therapy services.

What Others are Saying

Our consumer-centric approach is designed to identify health risks, engage members, reduce costs, and help you maintain a healthier workforce. Watch what others are saying about Optima Health.

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