Enhanced Subsidies Now Available Through 2025
Have a qualifying life event and need insurance? You may be eligible for a larger subsidy amount or be newly eligible if you didn’t qualify before. Losing your Medicaid Coverage? You may be able to get financial help to lower the cost of private health insurance.
We can help! Talk to one of our OptimaFit® Personal Plan Advisors at 1-800-741-4825 to learn more.
OptimaFit® Payment Reminder
To ensure your coverage please make your payments online or contact us.
Better Rates. Better Benefits.
OptimaFit®, a highly rated plan1
Having health insurance means you and your family will have access to healthcare when you need it. We have several affordable plan options with a range of deductibles and copayment options so you can choose a healthcare plan that fits your needs, budget, and lifestyle.
All OptimaFit plans include essential health benefits2 to help control and manage your health. We are committed to our mission: to improve health every day, so we’re always innovating to add value to the products we provide. Our value-added benefits include wellness programs; preventive services; discounts on complementary therapies like acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage therapy; and useful tools to help you manage your healthcare costs.
With enhanced subsidies available now through 2025, we’ve made it easier than ever for you to find the healthcare plan that works for you! Ask Us How. Talk to an OptimaFit Personal Plan Advisor today toll free at 1-800-741-4825.
OptimaFit® Individual & Family Health Plans

Our Plans
Our Individual & Family health plans offer more choices, innovative solutions, and enhanced access to high quality care.
Direct Plans
- Our OptimaFit® Direct Plans offer our full network of providers and facilities in-network in a tiered structure to maximize cost savings when using Tier 1 providers and facilities.
Standard Plans
- OptimaFit® Standard Plans are now offered anywhere throughout our service area at every metal level and plan classification. These plans allow members an easier shopping experience by offering uniform cost-sharing structure, maximum out-of-pocket (MOOP), and deductibles.

Our Service Area
Our plans are in select areas of Virginia.
Coverage Areas
- Bristol (New)
- Charlottesville
- Danville (New)
- Harrisonburg
- Hampton Roads
- Halifax and Mecklenburg
- Lynchburg (New)
- Northern Virginia (New)
- Richmond
- Roanoke (New)
- Rockingham

Value-Added Benefits & More
Our members have access to many great value-added benefits to help lower their healthcare costs.
- 24/7 Nurse Advice Line
- Acupuncture, Chiropractic and Massage Therapy discounts
- Discounted vision services
- Emergency Travel Assistance
- On-Demand Virtual Care
- Wellness Discounts

Other Health Insurance Coverage Options
Do you qualify for Medicaid? Even if you are not eligible for one of our OptimaFit Health Plans, you might be eligible for one of our other coverage options including Medicaid, or health insurance plans for self-employed sole-proprietors.
See More Options1 CMS scores qualified health plans (QHPs) offered through the Exchanges using the Quality Rating System (QRS) based on third-party validated clinical measure data and QHP Enrollee.
2 Essential Health Benefits are a set of 10 categories of services covered under the Affordable Care Act. These include inpatient and outpatient hospital care, prescription drug coverage, pregnancy and childbirth, mental health services and more.