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Align your health with a team committed to providing quality care.

Medicare Advantage plans with access to expansive network of over 35000 quality providers

The Optima Medicare network is made up of board-certified doctors and specialty providers committed to developing a relationship with you. Your extended care team includes nurse practitioners and physician assistants to help ensure you are receiving the best care possible.

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Find a hospital for your healthcare needs.

Sentara Princess Anne Hospital

Access an extensive Optima Medicare network of hospitals with nationally recognized clinical programs, up-to-date preventive care and safety protocols, as well as the latest medical procedures and technologies.

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Optima Medicare Plans

Optima Medicare offers all-in-one Medicare Advantage plans with both medical and prescription drug coverage. Our plans provide more coverage than Original Medicare with benefits including a monthly grocery allowance, SilverSneakers®, dental, vision, and hearing allowances, and a quarterly over-the-counter product allowance.

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